Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wow i've been slacking..
Its been way too long since I have posted on here..
Caleb will be 2 in less than 2 months!! I cannot believe that my little baby is becoming a little boy. I miss my cuddley little baby and I look back at pictures and reminisce from time to time, but I am loving the little boy that he is becoming. He has so much personality, and he is so lovable.
He goes to daycare while Mommy goes to school. He loves it :) I think it is great for him to be around other people, and kids on a regular basis.
His favorite TV shows are: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Yo Gabba Gabba
His favorite thing to do is... go to the park and run around or go swimming (He loves water!)
His favorite foods are: Ravioli, Fish sticks, Pizza, Chicken filets, Watermelon, Jello, Yogurt. He likes a lot of foods!
Here are some recent pictures: